Sunday, May 4, 2003

World bank and Iran????

hahahahahaha, what a joke!!!!!!!

Environmental Management Support for Iran

With the aim of protecting public health and the natural environment, the World Bank signed a $20 million loan in April 2003 to support the Government of Iran in reducing the impact of water and air pollution in major cities across five provinces in the country. The first in a series of projects to upgrade environmental management in Iran, this initiative will focus on boosting the Department of Environment’s ability to respond to pollution problems.

The proposed project seeks to help the Government of Iran achieve progress on its commitments in the development plan and engage non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in protecting the environment. It will strengthen the Department of Environment’s ability to monitor air and water quality and support partnerships with other ministries, municipalities, universities and NGOs by financing joint environmental projects. In cooperation with the World Bank Institute - the training arm of the World Bank - the project will also provide courses and training programs to improve the performance of public sector staff and NGOs involved in air and water quality management. Public awareness campaigns will be undertaken by the Department of Environment to improve the public’s understanding of the harmful effects of water and air pollution and encourage environment-friendly behavior.

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